Paolo Rudatis

Reduced graphene oxide-based biosensors (Supervisor: D. Eder)

Short bio: Paolo Rudatis Paolo earned his BSc and MSc in Chemistry from the University of Ferrara in October 2013 and March 2016, respectively. Paolo has been interested in nanochemistry and photocatalysis ever since his MSc thesis, and therefore he joined TU-D as a PhD student under the supervision of Dominik Eder.

Summary of the PhD project:
Within my PhD project, we focus on exploiting unique graphene features as a transducer in sensing . Of peculiar interest in this project is making reproducible, easy and reliable biosensors capable to sense plethora of biomolecules

Thoughts on TU-D: The projects themselves are obviously multidisciplinary and combine a multitude of spects of several scientific domains. I am deeply convinced that sharing knowledge will be highly beneficial for the outcome of the PhD projects, and generally of the TU-D doctoral program.