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Number of citations: 2430, h-Index =25 (Google Scholar)
Habilitation (2017)
D.O. Krimer, "Collective quantum dynamics on a chip"
PhD Thesis (2004)
D.O. Krimer, "Optically induced orientational transitions in nematic liquid crystals"
Books and reviews
55. G. Demeter, and D.O. Krimer,
"Light-induced dynamics in nematic liquid crystals - a fascinating world of complex nonlinear phenomena",
Phys. Reports 448, pp. 133-162 (2007)
54. D.O. Krimer, G. Demeter, and L. Kramer, "Dynamical phenomena in nematic liquid crystals induced by light",
in Self-Assembly, Pattern Formation and Growth Phenomena in Nano-Systems,
NATO Science Series II: v 218, pp. 83-122, Eds: A.A.Golovin, A.A.Nepomnyashchy, Springer (2006)
53. J.D. Bodyfelt, T.V. Laptyeva, G. Gligoric, D.O. Krimer, Ch. Skokos, and S. Flach,
"Wave interactions in localizing media - a coin with many faces", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 21, 2107 (2011)
52. O. Diekmann, D.O. Krimer, and S. Rotter
"Ultrafast Excitation Exchange in a Maxwell Fish-Eye Lens",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 013602 (2024)
51. L. R. Bakker, M. S. Bahovadinov, D. V. Kurlov, V. Gritsev, A. K. Fedorov, and D.O. Krimer,
"Driven-Dissipative Time Crystalline Phases in a Two-Mode Bosonic System with Kerr Nonlinearity",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 250401 (2022)
50. M. Zens, D.O. Krimer, H.S. Dhar, and S. Rotter,
"Periodic Cavity State Revivals from Atomic Frequency Combs",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 180402 (2021)
49. D.O. Krimer, and M. Pletyukhov,
"Few-Mode Geometric Description of a Driven-Dissipative Phase Transition in an Open Quantum System",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 110604 (2019)
48. M. Zens, D.O. Krimer, and S. Rotter,
"Critical phenomena and nonlinear dynamics in a spin ensemble strongly coupled to a cavity. II. Semiclassical-to-quantum boundary",
Phys. Rev. A 100, 1013856 (2019)
47. D.O. Krimer, M. Zens, and S. Rotter,
"Critical phenomena and nonlinear dynamics in a spin ensemble strongly coupled to a cavity. I. Semiclassical-to-quantum boundary",
Phys. Rev. A 100, 1013855 (2019)
46. H.S. Dhar, M. Zens, D.O. Krimer, and S. Rotter,
"Variational renormalization group for dissipative spin-cavity systems: periodic pulses of nonclassical photons from mesoscopic spin ensembles",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 133601 (2018)
45. J. Zhang, B. Peng, S. K. Özdemir, K. Pichler, D.O. Krimer, G. Zhao, F. Nori, Y.-X. Liu, S. Rotter, and L. Yang,
"Operating a phonon laser at the exceptional point",
Nature Photonics 12, 479 (2018)
44. A. Angerer, S. Putz, D.O. Krimer, T. Astner, M. Zens, R. Glattauer, K. Streltsov, W. J. Munro, K. Nemoto, S. Rotter, J. Schmiedmayer, and J. Majer,
"Dynamical Exploration of Amplitude Bistability in Engineered Quantum Systems",
Science Adv. 3, e1701626 (2017)
43. D.O. Krimer, B. Hartl, F. Mintert, and S. Rotter,
"Optimal control of non-Markovian dynamics in a single-mode cavity strongly coupled to an inhomogeneously broadened spin ensemble",
Phys. Rev. A 96, 043837 (2017)
42. S. Putz, A. Angerer, D.O. Krimer, R. Glattauer, W. J. Munro, S. Rotter, J. Schmiedmayer, and J. Majer,
"Spectral hole burning and its application in microwave photonics",
Nature Photonics 11, 36 (2017)
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Photonics Online,
Wiener Zeitung,
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IDW online,
41. D.O. Krimer, M. Zens, S. Putz, and S. Rotter,
"Sustained photon pulse revivals from inhomogeneously broadened spin ensembles",
Laser & Photonics Reviews 10, 1023 (2016)
40. J. Kabuss, D.O. Krimer, S. Rotter, K. Stannigel, A. Knorr, and A. Carmele,
"Analytical Study of Quantum Feedback Enhanced Rabi Oscillations",
Phys. Rev. A 92, 053801 (2015)
39. D.O. Krimer, B. Hartl, and S. Rotter,
"Hybrid quantum systems with collectively coupled spin states: supression of decoherence through spectral hole burning",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 033601 (2015)
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38. S. Burkhardt, M. Liertzer, D.O. Krimer, and S. Rotter,
"Steady-state ab-initio laser theory for lasers with fully or nearly degenerate resonator modes",
Phys. Rev. A 92, 013847 (2015)
37. D.O. Krimer, and S. Flach,
Phys. Rev. B 91, 100201(R) (2015)
36. D.O. Krimer, S. Putz, J. Majer, and S. Rotter,
"Non-Markovian dynamics of a single-mode cavity strongly
coupled to an inhomogeneously broadened spin ensemble",
Phys. Rev. A 90, 043852 (2014)
35. S. Putz, D.O. Krimer, R. Amsüss, A. Valookaran,
T. Nöbauer, J. Schmiedmayer, S. Rotter, and J. Majer,
"Protecting a spin ensemble against decoherence in the strong-coupling regime of cavity QED",
Nature Physics 10, 720 (2014) (shared first-authorship)
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34. J. Doppler, J. A. Mendez-Bermudez, J. Feist, O. Dietz,
D.O. Krimer, N. M. Makarov, F. M. Izrailev, and S. Rotter ,
"Reflection resonances in surface-disordered waveguides: strong higher-order effects of the disorder",
New J. Phys 16, 053026 (2014)
33. D.O. Krimer, M. Liertzer, S. Rotter, and H.E. Türeci,
"Route from spontaneous decay to complex multimode dynamics in cavity QED",
Phys. Rev. A 89, 033820 (2014)
32. D.O. Krimer, S. Mahle, and Mario Liu,
"Dip of the granular shear stress",
Phys. Rev. E 86, 061312 (2012)
31. D.O. Krimer, and R. Khomeriki,
"Realization of discrete quantum billiards in a two-dimensional optical lattice", Phys. Rev. A 84, 041807(R) (2011)
30. D.O. Krimer, R. Khomeriki, and S. Flach,
"Two interacting particles in a random potential", JETP Letters 94, 406 (2011)
29. J.D. Bodyfelt, T.V. Laptyeva, Ch. Skokos, D.O. Krimer, and S. Flach,
"Nonlinear waves in disordered chains: probing the limits of chaos and spreading", Phys. Rev. E 84, 016205 (2011)
28. D.O. Krimer, A. E. Miroshnichenko, and E. Brasselet,
"Influence of the backward propagating waves on the threshold
in planar nematic liquid crystal films", Liquid Crystals 38, 1021 (2011)
27. A. E. Miroshnichenko, E. Brasselet, D.O. Krimer, and Yu. S. Kivshar,
"Optomechanics of liquid crystals for dynamical optical response of photonic structures",
Journal of Optics 12, 124006 (2010)
26. D.O. Krimer, and S. Flach,
"Statistics of wave interactions in nonlinear disordered systems",
Phys. Rev. E 82, 046221 (2010)
25. T.V. Laptyeva, J.D. Bodyfelt, D.O. Krimer, Ch. Skokos, and S. Flach,
"The crossover from strong to weak chaos for nonlinear waves in disordered systems",
Europhys. Lett 91, 30001 (2010)
24. R. Khomeriki, D.O. Krimer, M. Haque, and S. Flach,
"Interaction induced fractional Bloch and tunneling oscillations",
Phys. Rev. A 81, 065601 (2010)
23. D.O. Krimer, R. Khomeriki, and S. Flach,
"Delocalization and spreading in a nonlinear Stark ladder",
Phys. Rev. E 80, 036201 (2009)
22. Ch. Skokos, D.O. Krimer, S. Flach, and S. Komineas,
"Delocalization of wave packets in disordered nonlinear chains",
Phys. Rev. E 79, 056211 (2009)
21. D.O. Krimer,
"Optically induced orientational transitions in nematics with planar alignment",
Phys. Rev. E 79, 030702(R) (2009)
20. S. Flach, D.O. Krimer, and Ch. Skokos,
"Universal spreading of wavepackets in disordered nonlinear systems",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 024101 (2009)
19. D.O. Krimer, and E. Brasselet,
"Light-driven liquid crystalline oscillator under optical periodic forcing",
Phys. Rev. E 76, 021705 (2007)
18. D.O. Krimer, and S. Residori,
"Thermomechanical effects in uniformly aligned dye-doped nematic liquid crystals",
Europ. Phys. J. E 23, 77 (2007)
17. D.O. Krimer, M. Pfitzner, K. Brauer, Y. Jiang, and M. Liu,
"Granular elasticity: general considerations and sand piles",
Phys. Rev. E 74, 061310 (2006)
16. K. Brauer, M. Pfitzner, D.O. Krimer, M. Mayer, Y. Jiang, and M. Liu,
"Granular elasticity: stress distributions in silos and under point loads",
Phys. Rev. E 74, 061311 (2006)
15. G. Demeter, D.O. Krimer, and L. Kramer,
"Optically induced director oscillations in nematics - transition
to chaos via homoclinic gluings and the role of backflow",
Phys. Rev. E 72, 051712 (2005)
14. E. Brasselet, D.O. Krimer, and L. Kramer, "Light-induced instabilities driven by competing helical
patterns in long-pitch cholesterics", Europ. Phys. J. E 17, 403 (2005)
13. D.O. Krimer, and L. Kramer, E. Brasselet, T.V. Galstian, and L.J. Dube,
"Bifurcation analysis of optically induced dynamics in nematic liquid crystals:
elliptical polarization at normal incidence",
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 22, 1681 (2005)[pdf]
12. E. Brasselet, T.V. Galstian, L.J. Dube, D.O. Krimer, and L. Kramer,
"Bifurcation analysis of optically induced dynamics in nematic liquid crystals:
circular polarization at normal incidence", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 22, 1671 (2005)
11. D.O. Krimer, G. Demeter, and L. Kramer,
"Influence of the backflow effect on the orientational dynamic induced by light in nematics",
Phys. Rev. E 71, 051711 (2005)
10. D.O. Krimer, G. Demeter, and L. Kramer,
"Orientational dynamics induced by circularly polarized light in nematic liquid crystals",
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 421, 117 (2004)
9. D.O. Krimer, G. Demeter, and L. Kramer,
"Pattern forming instability induced by light in pure and dye-doped nematic liquid crystals",
Phys. Rev. E 66, 031707 (2002)
8. V.L. Kalashnikov, D.O. Krimer, and I.G. Poloyko,
"Theory of generation of sub-10-fs pulses in a cw solid-state laser with a semiconductor
passive switch and self-focusing under coherent-interaction conditions",
Quant. Electron. 30, 927 (2000)
7. V.L. Kalashnikov, D.O. Krimer, F. Mejid, I.G. Poloyko, and V.P. Mikhailov,
"Generation of sub 100- ps pulses by continuous solid state laser with a saturating absorber
based on YAG: V(3+) crystal", Journal of Appl. Spectroscopy 67, 172 (2000)
6. V.L. Kalashnikov, D.O. Krimer, and I.G. Poloyko,
"Specific features of generation of the quasi-Schrodinger soliton in the cw mode-locked solid-state
laser with a semiconductor saturable absorber", Optics & Spectroscopy 88, 576 (2000)
5. J. Jasapara, V.L. Kalashnikov, D.O. Krimer, I.G. Poloyko, M. Lenzner, and W. Rudolph,
"Automodulations in CW Kerr-lens mode-locked solid state lasers", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 17, 319 (2000)
4. V.L. Kalashnikov, D.O. Krimer, and I. G. Poloyko,
"A quasi-soliton generation in solid-state lasers with semiconductor saturable absorber",
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 17, 519 (2000)
3. V.L. Kalashnikov, D.O. Krimer, F. Mejid, I.G. Poloyko, and V. P. Mikhailov,
"Self-oscillations in cw solid-state ultrashort-pulse-generating lasers with mode locking by
self-focusing", Quant. Electron. 29, 329 (1999)
2. D.O. Krimer, V.L. Kalashnikov, I.G. Poloyko, and V.P. Mikhailov,
"Influence of the linear optics Stark effect in semiconductor saturable
absorber to the parameters of the ultrashort pulses in mode-locked cw solid-state lasers",
Optics & Spectroscopy 87, 311 (1999)
1. V.L. Kalashnikov, D.O. Krimer, I.G. Poloyko, and V.P. Mikhailov,
"Ultrashort pulse generation in cw solid-state laser with semiconductor saturable absorber
in the presence of the absorption linewidth enhancement",
Optics Comm. 159, 237 (1999)